This is a legacy product, please purchase New KODI Subscription
This subscription will install KODI on your iPhone.
 – How does it work?
Since KODI is not published on App Store, to install KODI on your Apple TV or iPad/iPhone, we need to register your device ID (UDID) with Apple Server and sign KODI with the certificate issued by Apple (this is usually cost $99 a year).
Each device has a unique ID, so every device will need a separate subscription.
Our installation works for at least One Year. You do not need to reload your KODI every 7 days.
– Frequently Asked Questions:
- You do not need Jailbreak, compatible with system version  9/10/11.
- The installation works as long as your subscription is valid (Not 7 days)
- The KODI will be always up to date, you can get the latest features and Addons (Addons not included in this service).
- Activation and delivery is instant, you will get a few Emails with instructions after payment is clear.
- For iPad/iPhone, we offer the latest version of KODI from their official site.
- When there is major update for KODI, we will send out notifications by Email.
- We are not affiliated with official KODI organization in any way. Our subscription fee is for the installation service.